enero 22, 2010

The plant by the window

It's 6 o'clock in that picture.
The sun trying to come inside, trying to sneak in before finally setting.
Trying to come see if I'm real.
- And I was.
Trying to come see if I'm happy.
- And I was.
I hadn't seen this picture in such a long time.
I was affraid to look at it, quite frankly.
I had dreaded the moment where I would come to realize I was still affected by you.
- And I am.
I had dreaded the silence, I had dreaded understanding that I was in love with you.
- And I still am.

It's hard to tell. It's also hard for me to look at the stupid plant by the window and not feel nostalgic. I know the chances of you seeing this image go from slim to none, it's virtually impossible.
Either way, here it is. I do remember you. I always do.
Nevertheless... plant, window, sun. It's time to move on.

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