mayo 03, 2010


La curiosidad morbosa lo impulsa a uno(a) a leer la correspondencia ajena siempre que se tiene la oportunidad. Creo.
Esta es su oportunidad de hacerlo.


El proyecto se piensa terapéutico esta mañana y en un arranque de ansiedad me dice secretamente al oído que si no me atrevo a mandar este mensaje 'en la vida real', al menos debería animarme a publicarlo en el pleno del ciberespacio y, así, sentir un poco de liberación (de todos modos, muy probablemente nadie esté leyendo).

El problema es que siento una especie de cosquilleo cochino en el estómago, como de miedo, como si la contraparte fuera a leerlo, como si por alguna infortunada coincidencia de la vida llegara a este blog, supiera quién soy y se identificara con el contenido de la carta. Ajá, la paranoia del ciberespacio anónimo me sobrecoge, pero por hoy trataré de superarla. Todo sea por los efectos pseudo terapéuticos:

You're such a cutie pie. Impossibly cute. I would sure love to fuck you all over someday (or viceversa). I am obviously attracted to you but I am also pretty aware that nothing can ever happen between the two of us. At least not in the near future. I have to say I'm thankful to have found you (or viceversa). You have no idea how helpful you've become to me. Thank you so much for making me feel wanted. I do keep you in mind and dedicate a couple of my thoughts to you. But I am not going to lie. I have recently been through some sort of love debacle and I am not yet convinced that I'm over a certain someone (or viceversa). I have to be very honest with you. I like you, but not as much as you say you like me. I appreciate your kind words and everything you've ever let me know you would do for me, but words can't quite convince me. I'm sorry if I seem harsh. I'm sorry for calling you a stupid kid the other day, I never intented to question you either. I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you sometimes, honestly, I don't really know why you like me still. Think about this please and use it to hate me.You don't deserve this.

2 comentarios:

  1. Dear Matthew: we learned so much.

  2. ¿Crees que Alanis me la podría convertir en canción y hacer un regreso al mundo musical? jajaja
